Volleyball Shoes Smell Better

How to Make volleyball Shoes Smell Better? (4 tips)

As a volleyball player, I understand we’ve all been in the same boat—dealing with the notorious problem of smelly shoes. It’s not just a matter of the unpleasant odor; it’s about ensuring our game is at its best and the locker room remains a tolerable place to be. I will try to guide your teammates in understanding the ropes of making your volleyball shoes smell better. Bid farewell to those pesky shoe odors and say hello to a court-ready, fresh-footed game!

Comparing Volleyball Shoe Odor

Name Shoe Smell Odor Control Practices
Alice Fresh Alice consistently washes her volleyball socks and shoes after each game. She also uses odor-fighting insoles and sprays.
Bob Odor-Free Bob places his shoes in a well-ventilated area to let them air out. He uses moisture-wicking socks and antibacterial shoe deodorizers.
Charlie Pleasant Charlie invests in high-quality, breathable volleyball shoes and maintains good foot hygiene. He also keeps his shoes clean and dry.

Understanding the Root Causes of Smelly Shoes

Understanding the root causes of smelly shoes is crucial for anyone who has ever faced this common issue.

Sweat & Bacteria

When it comes to unravelling the mysteries behind smelly shoes, it’s crucial to dissect the two culprits at the heart of the matter: sweat and bacteria. This dynamic duo forms an unholy alliance within your footwear, resulting in odorous consequences.

The Science Behind Sweaty Feet

Sweat, or perspiration, is your body’s natural cooling mechanism. Yet, when it mingles with the microcosm of your shoe’s interior, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. The science here is quite fascinating. Eccrine and apocrine glands in your feet produce sweat, and it’s these moisture-rich secretions that create the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Role of Bacteria in Shoe Odour

Bacteria, specifically Gram-positive cocci, revel in this moisture. These microscopic organisms feast upon the organic matter in your sweat, releasing volatile organic compounds. It’s these compounds that impart the noxious aroma to your shoes.

Quick Fixes for Immediate Relief for volleyball shoes smell better

When the stench of your shoes becomes unbearable, it’s time for quick fixes that deliver immediate relief. Here, I will explore three strategies to combat the odor and make volleyball shoes smell better without delay.

Air It Out: The Power of Ventilation

Proper shoe ventilation is your first line of defence against malodorous footwear. The benefits of allowing your shoes to breathe are twofold. First, it helps to dissipate the moisture trapped within. Second, it reduces the favourable environment for bacteria to thrive. To air out your shoes effectively, consider these tips:

  • Remove Them: When you’re not wearing your shoes, take them off to let them air out. This prevents moisture from accumulating.
  • Shoe Trees: Invest in shoe trees that help maintain the shoe’s shape while allowing for better air circulation.

Odour-Fighting Insoles: A Game-Changer

Insoles can be a game-changer in your battle against shoe odour. However, the market offers various types of insoles, so it’s important to understand how to choose the right ones and install them correctly. By selecting insoles designed to combat odor, you’ll significantly improve your chances of success.

Use of Moisture-Absorbing Products

Apart from insoles, consider incorporating moisture-absorbing products into your shoe-care routine. Silica gel packs, while simple, are highly effective in keeping moisture at bay. They work by absorbing excess moisture, preventing the conditions that allow odour-producing bacteria to thrive. If you’re looking for alternatives to silica gel packs, options like activated charcoal or cedar shoe inserts can also work wonders.

Regular Shoe Care Routine

Maintaining a regular shoe care routine is essential in your quest to make volleyball shoes smell better. In this section, I will suggest to you a  caring tips of your footwear, covering everything from cleaning to preventive measures.

The Art of Cleaning

To keep your shoes smelling fresh, start with the art of cleaning. The process begins with gathering the right cleaning supplies, which typically include a soft brush, mild soap, and warm water. A step-by-step cleaning guide can work wonders to remove dirt, grime, and odour from your shoes.

Drying Your Shoes

After cleaning, the next crucial step is drying. There is a choice  between air-drying and machine-drying. While air-drying is the gentler option, it might not be the quickest. Conversely, machine-drying provides rapid results but demands caution to avoid damage. Employ drying tips and tricks for the best results, ensuring your shoes remain in pristine condition.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is often the best cure when it comes to shoe odour. Socks matter more than you might think. Select socks made from moisture-wicking materials to keep your feet dry. Additionally, rotating your shoes for optimal use allows each pair to air out between wears, curbing the growth of odour-causing bacteria.

Natural Remedies and DIY Solutions

When it comes to combating stubborn shoe odours, turning to natural remedies and DIY solutions can be a game-changer. These simple, cost-effective techniques can breathe new life into your favourite kicks. 

Baking Soda

 Baking soda is a powerhouse in the fight against shoe odour. Sprinkle A generous amount of baking soda into your shoes and leave it overnight. This absorbent powder works to neutralise odours by drawing moisture and odorous particles. Simply tap the excess out in the morning.

Creating Baking Soda Sachets

Another method is to make sachets with baking soda. Fill small cloth bags or old socks with baking soda, seal them, and place them inside your shoes when you’re not wearing them. These sachets continually work to keep your shoes smelling fresh.

Essential Oils: Nature’s Fragrance

 Essential oils offer a pleasant and natural way to combat shoe odours. Some top choices include lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus oils. These oils are known for their antimicrobial and deodorising properties.

DIY Essential Oil Spray:

Create a DIY essential oil spray by mixing a few drops of your chosen essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the interior of your shoes to infuse them with a refreshing aroma.


Our shoes bear the brunt of daily wear and tear, battling moisture, bacteria, and the unrelenting odorous onslaught. But fret not, for the path to olfactory harmony and impeccable style is paved with innovative solutions. Your journey to success and confidence starts from the ground up.

Embrace the sweet smell of success with odour-free shoes, as they are not just footwear but a testament to your meticulous attention to detail, making every step a testament to your style and poise.

Why do volleyball shoes develop a bad odor over time?

Volleyball shoes can develop a bad odor due to the accumulation of sweat and bacteria from your feet. The warm and moist environment inside the shoes provides an ideal breeding ground for odor-causing microbes.

How can I prevent my volleyball shoes from smelling bad?

Preventing volleyball shoe odor involves regular cleaning and maintenance. It’s important to air out your shoes, wash your volleyball socks, and use moisture-wicking materials. Additionally, consider using odor-fighting insoles and sprays.

What materials should I look for in volleyball shoes to minimize odor?

Choosing volleyball shoes with breathable materials like mesh or perforations can help reduce odor. These materials allow for better ventilation and moisture control, which can deter the growth of bacteria that cause bad smells.

Are there any DIY solutions for combating volleyball shoe odor?

Yes, there are several DIY methods to combat shoe odor. You can try placing baking soda or activated charcoal inside your shoes to absorb moisture and odors. Additionally, regularly washing your insoles and using essential oils or cedar shoe inserts can be effective.

How often should I clean my volleyball shoes to maintain freshness?

Cleaning your volleyball shoes should be a regular practice. Ideally, you should clean them after every game or practice session. This includes wiping them down, removing and washing the insoles, and allowing the shoes to air out in a well-ventilated area.

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